I recently gave a talk for a wonderful Mom's group and a cute blonde Mama asked, "Some of these superfoods you're suggesting to add in are kinda pricey, what would you suggest for eating on a budget?" I thoroughly answered the question that morning, ... keep reading!
5 Tips to stay Ho Ho Healthy!
It's that time of year where the fun and festive Holidays can turn into hell-idays for your waistline. I get it! I love me some pumpkin pie, gingerbread men and my stepmom's monkey bread on Christmas morning. But it's important to get some really ... keep reading!
5 Swaps to a Slimmer You!
1) Swap out your current beverage for Kombucha, green tea or lemon water. Probiotics boost immune health, mood, digestion and green tea is bursting with antioxidants and throws a fat burning party. Lemon water clears your skin, liver, detoxifies as ... keep reading!
Show me your down dog!
Face down, ass up that’s the way I like to workout! Haha! If I told you there was a workout where you could stare at a toned tushy and lose weight would you sign up?! Hell yeah you would. So get your butt into a yoga class and get ready for a down ... keep reading!
Gimme Blue Balls!
Yep give me those balls of blue! Blueberries baby! Everyone wants to be healthy, trim, keep their vision and have awesome memories...so go balls deep with blueberries! They are packed full of antioxidants, Vitamin C, potassium and fiber, ... keep reading!