It’s that time of year where the fun and festive Holidays can turn into hell-idays for your waistline. I get it! I love me some pumpkin pie, gingerbread men and my stepmom’s monkey bread on Christmas morning. But it’s important to get some really great and easy habits in place to prevent one from being mistaken for good ol’ Santa Clause. Meet me under under the mistletoe because I’ve got 5 tips so killer, you’re gonna wanna kiss me when you’re done reading this! Pucker up baby!
Tip #1: Let’s start by playing a game. See I told you this would be fun!
Fill in the blank.
To me the holidays are _______________________
This is a reminder, they’re not just about the food. Holidays can be about catching up with distant relatives, annual traditions, donating toys, volunteering at a shelter, decorating the tree, making festive arts n crafts, a trip to the snow, thinking about what you’re grateful for, the list goes on… Now take your perfect answer and let that be your priority of the season.
Tip #2: Plan Before the Parties!
Arriving to a party ravenous after a day of battling scrooges at the mall will set you up to demolish everything in site.
- Don’t save up your meals, it doesn’t work like that anyways. You end up binging, feeling like crap, then unbuttoning your pants…yep, been there!
- YOU bring something healthy to the get together. There’s plenty of closet health junkies who’d appreciate your addition.
- Plan on being selective with your treats. Spurge on the ones that come just at the holidays. One slice. Don’t overdo it.
- Mix trader joe’s pre-steamed lentils and bruschetta. It’s so damn good!
- A veg plate with a dip like cauliflower puree, heart healthy guacamole or spicy hummus.
- Chia Pudding. Oh yeah! They’ll think it’s rice pudding.
- Strawberries & coconut cream. The good fats are on Santa’s “nice list.”
Tip #3: Keep Up Your Exercise Routine
- Just because your family is in town, doesn’t mean you don’t go to the gym or stop exercising. No! This is when you need it the most! Manage your stress and your waistline.
- Have an accountability partner. Keep each other on track with healthy eating, habits and exercise.
- Remember the holidays aren’t just about the food, it’s also spending time with family and friends.
Tip #4: Stay Hydrated and Drink Smart
- This is important all year round.
- Create a one to one ratio of cocktail to water.
- Your metabolism increases by 30% when you’re properly hydrated.
- All our bodily functions require hydration.
- Kombucha- good for the gut, digestion, immune system and skin!
- Coconut water…incredibly hydrating!
- Sparkling water with citrus or pomegranate.
- Go easy on the eggnog & fancy cocktails.
- We make better decisions with fewer alcoholic beverages. “Has anyone seen my snowflake pasties?”
Tip #5: Clean House
- The spirit of the holidays is giving.
- Go through your closet, pantry, fridge, cabinets, etc…Whatever you don’t use, love, like, doesn’t fit- donate it.
- Take charge of your environment.
- When you see clean, you feel clean.
- Minimize stress, clutter and expired foods. You’ll be saving calories and stress as a byproduct.
- Donating increases your serotonin, making you happier and healthier by helping someone else.
Here are some ideas for you, plus a few silly jokes because why not! 🙂