Looking around my house today, I noticed I have lots of fun silly things. When I got married however, some of the more inappropriate "silly" things saw their way to a garage sale. Yeah, we attracted some perverts to that table. A few bargain ... keep reading!
Don’t be the Whale on Vacation!
Believe me, when I'm on vacation I definitely want to enjoy everything...especially the local cuisine. My Grandfather used to say, "If you go on a trip and don't gain weight, you didn't have a good time." I love that! But I also think vacation's ... keep reading!
Life’s Too Short to NOT Be Happy!
You've heard the phrase, "If everywhere you go someone is a jerk...YOU are the jerk." I definitely can be that sometimes so here's my Top 5 favorite ways to stay happy and nice. 1. Hang with happy, positive people who want the ... keep reading!
Sun Your Bum!
Sun your bum, it's good for your health! So many of us are stuck indoors staring at computers, in cubicles and just don't get enough natural Vitamin D from the sun. Take a breather from your annoying cube mate or Facebook feed, c'mon we all know ... keep reading!
King of your Throne!
Poop. There, I said it. We all do it but many don't want to admit it. Who cares?! It's one of the main bodily functions that keeps us healthy, detoxed and feeling like the King of our own Throne. Think of fiber as your bodies policeman that takes ... keep reading!