As an active girl and natural born sweater, I have to make sure I’m using a killer deodorant. However, as a Health Coach, I’m selective about the ingredients slathered over our largest organ, the skin. We absorb over 60% of the products we ... keep reading!
“Move over, turkey- I’m salt brining MYSELF this Thanksgiving!”
Everybody knows the secret to a juicy bird is a good, salty brine. An even bigger secret? Lean in, my friend...The key to arriving at Thanksgiving with less stress, a clean shirt and ready to enjoy the meal you slaved over is a good brine for ... keep reading!
Do what with Coconut Oil?!
Coconut oil is not just for culinary purposes but hygiene as well! Yep you heard it right, put that oil in your mouth and become buddies for the next 5-15 minutes. A little tip to fit in with your hippie friends, the technical term is Oil Pulling. An ... keep reading!
You’re putting THAT in your mouth?
What's wet most of the time and something you put in your mouth twice a day...uh your toothbrush. Why what was on your mind? Many people don't think about cleaning the item that they use for cleaning. Our toothbrushes can be a feeding ground for ... keep reading!
Sucky Sunscreen
The sun is coming out, clothes are coming off and we want to spray on a little sunblock to prevent a burn. Wait! Before you get intimate with your sunscreen, take your products to dinner and ask those tough questions before you allow them to be ... keep reading!