As an active girl and natural born sweater, I have to make sure I’m using a killer deodorant. However, as a Health Coach, I’m selective about the ingredients slathered over our largest organ, the skin. We absorb over 60% of the products we use.
There are quite a few toxins and chemicals to look out for in personal care products, and specifically deodorant. Here the top five that aren’t invited to my pit party.
1) Aluminum: Linked to Alzheimer’s, hormone disruption and cancer. Most deodorants are comprised of over 15% and aluminum. This chemical loves to party in our fat cells. Can you say side boob?
2) Phthalates: A class of chemicals, usually lurking in what’s listed as “fragrance,” that can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system. Yuck! I think my friend’s would rather me be around with a little BO than smelling like “Ocean Breeze”… whatever the heck that is.
3) Parabens: Nobody likes a copycat and that’s exactly what parabens are. They mimic estrogen in the body and are linked to breast and prostate cancer. This one is easy to recognize because it ends in a “paraben.” The 5 to steer clear of: methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, benzylparaben and isobutylparaben.
4) Propylene Glycol: A petroleum product, propylene glycol’s main gig is in anti-freeze. All I know is I hold my body to a way higher standard than sharing ingredients with damn engine fluid! Propylene glycol can cause damage to your central nervous system, skin, liver and kidneys. My homies over at The Material Safety Data Sheet* gives safe handling instructions, calling it “a hazardous substance.” Propylene glycol can also provoke skin allergies and eczema. No one wants their skin care products making razor burn look worse.
5) Triclosan: According to the FDA, this bad boy is a pesticide. Yes, some people may have pest like qualities, but you wouldn’t spray them with Raid would you? The EPA classifies triclosan as a carcinogen, aka cancer causing. Lastly, according to The Environmental Working Group, “Triclosan is linked to liver and inhalation toxicity. Even low levels of triclosan may disrupt thyroid function. Triclosan and other antibacterial ingredients may encourage bacterial resistance to antibiotics.” Enjoy the fishies in the ocean? As triclosan washes down the drain, it goes straight to our water sources and is extremely toxic to all aquatic life.
Even though I’ve made you stress sweat over the chemicals in your current deodorant you’re (under) armed with this new information, and ready to make the swap to a clean non-toxic deodorant. Check out this blog with my top three favorite natural deodorants!!
If you’re ready to take your health and life to the next level, schedule a “Health Consultation” with me! One conversation could change your life! It doesn’t matter where you live, I work with clients all over the map and would love to chat with you! Click here!