Mom, Mother, Mama, Mommarooney, Mommers, Mummy, Ma, Mamacita… doesn’t matter what you call your Mom, this person or any other mother figure in your life, she makes everyone’s life so much better! Even Mother Nature herself provides love, comfort, grounding, beauty and warms the heart.
The month of May is a wonderful time to reflect on the influence all the women in our life have had on us. Many of my best traits have been passed down or taught to me through inspiring and admirable behavior from my Mom, stepmom and wonderful aunts and other bad ass role models.
Traditions for optimal wellness
What makes life so special, in my opinion, are the traditions we carry on or create ourselves. The experiences, life lessons and memories that shape and make our lives as magical as they are. My Mom comes from a big Italian family. When I say big, she is one of 7 children! Passed down from her parents, they always prayed and expressed gratitude before a meal. Regardless of one’s religion; appreciating our food, taking a deep breath before consuming, thanking the hands that cultivated and prepared it and eating with intentions for health make a huge difference in the way that meal is consumed and digested. This is one of my favorite traditions my Mom and I do and that I pass along to clients.
I’m always searching for ways to optimize health, improve the quality and length of life, minimize mental health struggles and radiate happiness and vitality to all. In this quest and research I’ve found the beautiful ceremony of the Japanese, sipping matcha tea in Japan. I’ve previously written about Ujido matcha tea and its incredible benefits, and truly the list is never ending! I’ll share more later in the blog. But if you want to dive deep into the magical health properties after reading this one and ordering Mama flowers, read HERE. Ok, so normally this ceremony includes a variety of guests, but for Mother’s Day, or even better at least one day a week, I’m reducing it to just Mama enjoying her tea in peace and quiet alone.
All by myself, I WANNA be…
Mothers spend majority of their days carrying for their kids, their kids friends, Daddy and so many others. I’ve heard from many of my Mom friends that all they truly want, take a breath because this is candidly honest, is ALONE TIME! Mama needs to regenerate her tapped out batteries. Let her sleep in, wake up to the sunlight, not her son whining for breakfast and sip her matcha tea. Alone. The joy of peace and quiet, to be still and reconnect with yourself is a priceless gift. Another tradition my Mom passed down, throw your legs up the couch and rest your eyes. Take that self-care time when needed.
Rooted in Chinese Zen philosophy, the tea ceremony is a spiritual process, the participants remove themselves from the mundane world, seeking harmony and inner peace. Two things Mom’s absolutely want. With no kids present, yup there’s harmony. Ma in solitude, sweats and steeped matcha – sounds like a recipe for inner peace to me!
Preparing tea in this ceremony means pouring all of one’s attention into the predefined movements. The whole process is not about drinking tea, but is about aesthetics, preparing a bowl of tea from one’s heart. A Mother’s heart is forever expanding and deserves to have time to pour that love back into herself. When Mummy’s spot of tea is empty and not floweth over…everyone WATCH OUT!
What’s the difference between Matcha and Green Tea?
The whole leaf is used in matcha resulting in higher levels of the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Matcha contains higher levels of antioxidants and concentrations of amino acids like L-theanine and L-arginine. Just how Mom has a favorite child, L-theanine is mine because it calms the nervous system promoting relaxation while simultaneously improving mental focus, reduces blood pressure, improves immunity and supports weight loss. See- that’s why it’s my fave!
Matcha is 100% green tea leaves that have been ground down into a powder giving it a much richer and robust flavor. Green tea, while still extremely healthy, removes the stems and veins and only the bag is steeped. Whereas matcha the entire plant is consumed.
Matcha and regular green tea both come from the Camellia sinensis plant, which is native to China. Matcha is grown differently than green tea though. Imagine a cabana boy with a big umbrella shielding matcha from sunlight for about 20–30 days before harvest. I know, so spoiled! But this treatment is worth it because shade increases chlorophyll levels and increases the production of amino acids.
Matcha for Mother
Instead of gifting chocolate with a long ingredient list filled with poison, the present that will keep her in the present is Ujido matcha tea! Tea is a thoughtful and health promoting gift that also encourages Mama’s to take a break. The simple act of brewing a cup, feeling it warm between her caring hands and nurturing the soul makes me happy to imagine already.
Want to keep Mama’s heart beating strong for you? Buy her a cute mug to bottoms up that matcha! It’s linked to reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and improving blood flow. How about Mom remembering who you are next Mother’s Day? Yup matcha to the rescue again, improving memory, protecting brain cells and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Matcha fights or prevents cancer, supports immunity, reduces inflammation, burns fat and makes you happy. With this incredible list longer than Mom’s grocery list, I think I just made YOU the favorite kid!
Self Connection and Reflection
The daily tradition of mediation or just sitting alone to connect inwards and reflect, is up there in importance with breathing. Because it IS all about breathing. Mom’s run around A LOT and might jokingly say, “phew I need to catch my breath.” But they do! We all do of course, but May is for the Mama’s. Please continue to encourage each other to give ourselves a “time out” so when we tap back in, we aren’t tapped out. Incorporating a matcha tea ceremony into you or your Mother’s daily life is a gift of self care that benefits everyone. You deserve it!
Tea philosophy… Wa, Kei, Sei, Jaku – “harmony, respect, purity, tranquility.”
Ujido Matcha Tea
Anytime you purchase something that goes into your body, ensure it’s the best! Ujido matcha is high quality, non GMO, they procures tea leaves directly from farmers and is incredibly nutritious and delicious!
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