Mammoth Mountain is a special place to my hubby and I! We’re one of those couples that loves adventurous, body moving vacations. For those perverted minds, no not those kinds, sports activities 😉 LOL. With the record setting amount of snow Mammoth gets, we have been in snowfall heaven!
I am a tree hugger at heart.
Nature is gorgeous and even more beautiful when you get to play all over her mountains. Especially when they’re covered in the white stuff! I’m referring to snow you sicko! Strapping some skis or a snowboard to your feet and gliding down a black diamond while surrounded by snow dusted trees is nothing to be taken for granted.
We typically rest our tired bones at The Mammoth Mountain Inn. This lodge is a mainstay that is conveniently walking distance from the mountain. It’s got a warm, cozy vibe with a blazing fireplace greeting you in the lobby. There always seems to be a doggy near the flames melting snow off its coat. And you know I never miss an opportunity to kiss a wet pooch snout!
Any place that’s dog friendly, I love!
What impressed me most (and what the point of this blog is about) was not the chocolate on the pillow, but the heartfelt note. It read like a love letter to our Earth. A wonderful reminder to all of us, of easy habits to bring home as a Souvenir.
Thank you Mammoth for passing along such important information to all the mountain lovers. Whether it’s skis, a snowboard or a hike or mountain bike during the summer, there’s one thing we all know- we have to take care of the things we love if we want them to take care of us!
Our Earth needs us now more than ever. The facts are there. Do your part and pass along these tips to others so we can all continue to date Mother Earth. That’s right! Did you not know you two were going steady? She’s been shining her sunshine on you and giving you flowers everyday. Homegirl is a flirty one courting each and everyone of us. One way to say thank you, be respectful.
A few additional tips that are easy to implement to PROTECT the Earth and our resources:
- Yes to Sloppy Seconds: use things a second or third time! Scribble notes on the back of old computer paper. Use worn out shirts to clean the house. Rinse and reuse glass bottles for storage. That box from Amazon…use it as a new play toy for your silly kitty or to send that birthday gift to your friend.
- BYOB: Bring Your Own Bottle: According to the World Wildlife Fund, annually we toss out about 50 billion plastic water bottles! Bring your glass or stainless steel water bottle with you! You can even buy one with a filter already in it!
- Get OFF the list: Wonder how your name and address get on all these magazines? That 60 seconds it takes to call and be removed saves countless trees!
- Is your trash a Danger Zone? Items like batteries, light bulbs, nail polish, paint, cleaning products and ink cartridges require special disposal. Dumping carelessly into the trash contaminates the soil and water for thousands or millions of years. Not to mention, could potentially start a fire. Contact for a dumpsite in your area.
- Who you flippin’ off? Hopefully it’s the lights in the rooms you’re not using. Save electricity and up your bodies melatonin (the sleep hormone and essential antioxidant). You’ll find the dimness of the dark relaxing or if the mood strikes, even sexy. You’re welcome!