Are you holding your breath right now? Ah ha! You weren’t aware you were playing favorites huh and only allowing oxygen in the top of your chest while depriving your belly of that sweet air love too! Before we go any further in this fast moving blog relationship together, we are going to first base! No silly, no kissing on the mouth, just breathing! Let’s take a few deep breaths together. Hand on your six pack (hey this is your time, visualize yourself however you want😄) and breathe deep, a reallllly deep breath into your tummy! Felt good right?! Conscious breathing, grounding breathing, is the easiest and quickest way to bring awareness back into your body and lower stress. Like now! Instead of giving flowers on our first stress less date, I give you peace of mind. Read on for more, my love!
I am a girl who collects superfoods, not shoes. I am barefoot now as I write this, but you wanna know what’s in my mug…a gorgeous green Ujido Matcha Tea! Who cares about rocking Jimmy Choo’s or Jordan’s if you don’t have your health to strut your stuff in them. Matcha tea is green tea on steroids! But unlike the roid rage side effects, with matcha your mood improves, you will boost your metabolism and energy, support immune health, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, improve brain cognition, matcha is anticancer, benefits the skin and more! Told you, I brought the best gift to this mindfulness date! More on Ujido Matcha to come sprinkled throughout this blog! Plus, a huge discount because saving money always lowers stress!
But First, What’s Your WHY?
Why do YOU want to manage your stress and become more mindful? The answer to WHY is what motivates us to change, make positive shifts and stay committed to new practices and habits.
I want to reduce my stress, overwhelm and become more mindful so I can:
- Enjoy the moment.
- Demonstrate more patience.
- Have less irritation.
- Be present.
- Feel good- like damn good!
Ladies listen up, chronic stress speeds up the aging process! Worrying about a missing shoe is definitely not worth crows’ feet! Even worse, stress increases our susceptibility to illness and ability in fighting off disease. I’d say its worth sittin’ that ass on a meditation pillow for 10 minutes a day to prevent a week sick in bed whining to your doggy. Stress also makes us unhappy, impatient people. Two very unattractive qualities…even your pup doesn’t want to be around that.
Why Ujido Matcha Tea?
We are not new to matcha. We are matcha. We are not chasing a trend. We are the reason behind that trend.
– Ujido
The best things in life are QUALITY! 10x that when it comes to what you’re putting inside that precious body! Ujido is sourced from a gorgeous family farm in Kyoto Japan, grown in the sacred Uji region, the birthplace of matcha! Their tea is hand picked, stone ground to preserve vital ingredients, antioxidants, and flavor! Truly every cup delivers the creamy, sweet flavor of quality matcha. One of my favorite attributes- the growing and cultivation process is done conscious and earth friendly.
Just Breathe!
Meditation doesn’t have to be a big Broadway production with crystals, spiritual music and a mantra or affirmation✨. It can be though if you want that Playbill! Literally, just breathe! It is the simplest activity, costs nothing, that we can do anywhere. Sitting in the car, standing in a line, while eating, doing dishes, in a heated conversation – we can stop talking for a moment, stop thinking and take 2-4 deep breaths that really help us re-focus, calm down and find some stillness.
I’ve created a meditation practice just in the exercise of making a cup of matcha. My two favorite choices are the Ceremonial Matcha or fragrant Brown Rice Matcha. Simply silence the phone, listen to the water boil, whisk the vibrant green matcha powder into your favorite cup, (yes mine is dog themed) and begin by just breathing slow and deeply inhale the sweet and grassy aroma. I bring mindfulness in by placing my hands on the warm teacup and also give gratitude and appreciation that I’m fortunate to bless my body with this much health. You can also place the mug of matcha on a side table or near you and close your eyes for a meditation and when you open reflect on what came to you while savoring your drink.
Two Calming Breathing Exercises,
To Do Anywhere!
Box breathing. Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts, hold for four counts. Repeat for a couple minutes until you lose the urge to punch someone.
Five senses. If you are in a place where it’s safe, close your eyes to really drop in. As you slow your breathing and connect to your breath check in with each of your senses. What do you see behind your closed eyes. And no smart ass, you can’t say eye lids. What do you smell? If you’re outside, you can pick up on nearby flowers or a barbecue. Is there a lingering flavor or taste in your mouth? I’m sure now you wish it was BBQ! How do you feel? Both your physical body and temperature. How’s your comfort level? You can even wiggle your fingers and toes or roll your neck to get back in your body. And lastly, what do you hear? Tap into all the sounds from bugs flying, birds chirping, the cat purring, silence (enjoy that!), your own breathing… This meditation will gift you with much more observation and appreciation in your waken life.
Put Stress to Sleep
with a Night Time Routine!
At least 30 minutes before bed…kiss your phone night night. Silence and place in airplane mode. How the heck do you expect your body and brain to shut down and relax after hours of stimulation and no chill time? Making sense why counting sheep is bull sheep?!
There are many wonderfully relaxing activities, with one of my favorites being a face mask. Make it with Ujido matcha, and everyone will leave you alone when your face is green! 👍🏻😂
Matcha Honey Mask: 1/2 teaspoon matcha and 1 teaspoon raw honey. Hydration Matcha Mask: 1 teaspoon matcha and 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil.
Enjoy some chamomile or lavender tea. Read a pleasure book or something that you enjoy that won’t interfere with your sleep. Save the murder mysteries for the light hours. Take your magnesium and any other evening supplements. Need some recommendations, hit me up! Need a bed time story, sorry can’t help you there. Just start winding down. Dim the lights, lower the sounds or play relaxing music. You can meditate. Journal. Write a brain dump of everything that’s circling in your head. When you get in bed from this place you’re more apt to fall asleep quickly. Versus being glued to your phone, then expecting to fall asleep while your whole head is still illuminated from 175 apps!
Focus on You so YOU Don’t Lose It!
Hot water is one of the most relaxing elements to our nervous system. Get your bod in the shower or take a bath every day. Yes, this is a self-care ritual not to be missed. When you are coming from a calmer, balanced place, you make better lifestyle choices. Plus you don’t stink! Strengthen your relationship with yourself and manage thoughts and emotions like a true grown up.
Get grounded everyday! Yes I can hear your thoughts, “WTF is grounding Jill?” Think walking barefoot on grass, dirt or the sandy beach. It’s about connecting to the earth’s energy. Can’t get outside? No need to stress my love. Sit in a chair with your feet on the ground and eyes closed, breathe in deeply and imagine connecting all the way down to the root of the earth.
Grounding foods such as beets, carrots and sweet potatoes help us connect and calm as well. My favorite Ujido blend that immediately instills this grounded feeling is their Roasted Matcha Green Tea. The flavor is bold yet smooth and savory. It drinks like a hug!
Declutter to DeStress
Simplifying what you have minimizes anxiety. Pay attention and you’ll notice; mess and clutter feed anxiety, depression and lack of motivation. Less “stuff” = less to worry about. When you get rid of old baggage and cleanse your home of negative things, stale energy, and what doesn’t bring you happiness, you’ll feel mentally clearer and more focused.
Take another deep breath and get present with your home environment. In need of a pick me up to begin this task? We got you with a Matcha Energy Drink mix! Whisk this baby into a cup of cold water and clutter beware! I personally love drinking this energy blend before a workout, a creative task or hanging with people that can be depleting. A pack contains B vitamins to accelerate metabolism and burn body fat, vitamin C to support our immunity, natural caffeine from matcha, L-Theanine to calm the nervous system and enhance focus, energizing nutrients, and made with monk fruit so there’s no impact on blood sugar.
Keep organizing your environment including home, car and office for this awesome side effect- CONFIDENCE! Increase that ‘head to the sky’ feeling as you activate power in your choices and what is around, in and on your body, and the space you live in. As your good feelings expand, so will your good fortune. Its that mindset my friends! Good thoughts create good feelings and good feelings project good vibes. We are naturally attracted to good vibes, including all the wonderful things the Universe wants to bless you with. Ya’ just gotta have the space both physically and mentally to accept them.
Everything Impacts Energy.
Is it a Stressor or Joy Bringer?
Everything is about ENERGY! Whether you believe in the magic of the law of attraction or not, no one can argue the fact that certain things, people, even foods emit a particular energy. You know what feelings you want more of and less of to reduce stress and anxiety.
Surround yourself with people and things that raise your energy. Get rid of broken items, dead plants, unfinished projects, friends that aren’t supportive and positive, etc. All of this impacts our levels of stress way more than we give credit. And no credit is deserved of these drainers.
Clear your space by opening the windows for fresh and cleansing air, burn sage and say a prayer or affirmative mantra, diffuse essential oils and you can probably guess may final suggestion- make a cup of that all healing Matcha Tea! However, this suggestion is a blend unique to Ujido, their Sweet Matcha that I adore sipping cold! Nothing brings more joy than a sweet beverage containing no calories or sugar while being loaded with antioxidants, metabolism boosters and more! Sweet matcha is my choice here for an energized yet calm feeling to raise my internal zest!
Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.
Balance is important in our lives AND inside of our bodies.
Consuming inflammatory foods daily; meat and dairy, fried foods, sugar, toxic vegetable oils and processed meats to name a few, create chronic inflammation, disrupt our gut bacteria and can lead to depression and an unhappy mental state.
So many healing foods lower stress naturally, improve our mood and taste heavenly! Bananas boost serotonin. Cacao or dark chocolate activates the bliss chemical, anandamide, while giving us stable energy due to theobromine. Water provides more energy, less stress and helps you poop. Don’t pretend that doesn’t make you happy! Cayenne pepper invigorates your food and mind by relieving depression and speeding up the metabolism! Like any solid health professional you know I gotta give a shout out to my organic vegetable homies and longevity plant based proteins; legumes, beans, nuts and seeds! Which also load you up on healthy fats and omega 3 fatty acids for mood, brain and beauty! Fiber keeps you full so say hasta la vista to mood swings!
If by chance you are one of the rare few who just despise the taste of matcha tea, Ujido has an option for you and all of us who love additionally supplementing with a rockin’ superfood! Black Ginger Matcha Tablets!
A potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory from two superfoods! Rich in chlorophyll, amino acids, and L-Theanine to restore well-being and balance! A natural boost in endurance and also recovery for workouts and life demands.
Let’s Bring it Home…
to that Decluttered, Energized Home 😄
From here on out, focus on all the things that ARE IN YOUR CONTROL! Minimizing stress and improving mindfulness begins with awareness. I’ve unveiled many areas that can sabotage peace of mind and simple shifts to create supportive habits. And also, how to incorporate one of the most beneficial superfoods, Ujido Matcha Tea, into those new lifestyle routines.
Please feel free to apply my code to save 20% off your entire order!
Code: JillSave20
Which will you incorporate first? I’d love to hear. Tweet me or chat with me on facebook here: Jill Anenberg Lawrence
If you’re ready…
to take your health and life to the next level, schedule a “Health Consultation” with me! One conversation could change your life! It doesn’t matter where you live, I work with clients all over the map and would love to chat with you! Click here!