Move over pumpkin spice latte, it’s all about the pumpkin seed this Season. Ditch that sugar crash and instead fuel yourself with a handful of the healthiest snack food around. PUMPKIN SEEDS!
Pumpkin seeds have a crazy amount of vitamins and minerals, in addition to 9 grams of protein per serving. Not to mention a great source of healthy fats that make you oh so beautiful. We need these healthy monounsaturated fats to absorb fat soluble vitamins, keep our hair, skin and nails thick and strong.
The complete opposite of that horrible sugar crash you get from sugary pumpkin wannabe’s, with these seeds you’ll stabilize your blood sugar because they naturally don’t contain any sugar and the perfect ratio of carbs-fats-protein. So you won’t go screaming when someone cuts you off, you’ll calmly wave them ahead and keep snacking on your seeds. Also high in Tryptophan, the amino acid also in turkey that makes us sleepy after Thanksgiving, our bodies naturally convert it into serotonin and then melatonin. A natural way to feel better and get improved sleep.
I also love how high they are in Zinc and Iron. Amazing at building up your immune system! Now if all this wasn’t great enough, check out this video high lighting why they’re the #1 seed out there.
I’d love to hear what your favorite way to eat Pumpkin Seeds are! Tweet me @JillAnenberg
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