Sure it feels good to do healthy stuff for our bodies, like taking vitamins. But- there’s a specific group that enjoys it way more than the average person. And those people are the ones that eat gummy vitamins. You’re not the only one; my mouth is salivating imagining my vitamins bundled up in a sweet gum drop too. Yep, think of them as nutrient filled gummy bears! Mary Poppins was onto something… a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. But with SmartyPants vitamins, the sugar content is low and the medicine is from the best sources Mother Nature has to offer!
I view supplementing with vitamins and minerals as an insurance policy for our bodies. The struggle is real though trying to choke down a horse size pill to stay at optimal levels. Unfortunately, many options in the chewable vitamin category do more harm than good! Flintstones vitamins are filled with multiple artificial colors, sugars and flavors, plus soy and GMO ingredients. Lets leave this Stone Age supplement, well in the Stone Age. We take vitamins to add the best possible nutrients in the cleanest form into our bodies. With SmartyPants that is a guarantee.
They have an impressive roll call list of “problem child’s” that will never be present in their supplements. All right here we go; no GMO’s, synthetic colors, artificial flavors and preservatives, yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, gluten, peanuts, tree nut allergens, fish allergens, shellfish, and salicylates. I told you, it’s remarkable. SmartyPants tests thoroughly at every stage of the manufacturing process to bring you the best quality gummy on the market.
Get ready to be hot for teacher. Their staff of smarty scientists attends conferences and classes to enhance their knowledge in creating the best possible gummies. Pop just one and I know you’ll agree too! Ok, serious question. Before swiping right, wouldn’t it be nice to read your date’s background check so you knew exactly what you’re getting into? Prior to going steady with your new vitamin beau, you can do just that by reviewing the Certificate of Compliance for every single product. I read through the report and this girl gives permission for you to open wide!
Smarty includes a delicious option for everyone in the family! Men and Women’s Complete Multi-Vitamin, Multi plus Fiber, a Probiotic and a Prenatal for those with a bun in the oven. And three options for those little monsters; Kids Complete, Complete with Fiber, and Probiotics. As tasty as these gummies are, having 15 different bottles to hit all your needs would be a bit excessive. As a Health Coach I always preach balance and moderation. My friends at SmartyPants be preachin’ the same tale.
Each supplement includes above and beyond what a traditional vitamin would include. I’ll illustrate this with the multi. They combine Omega 3 EPA and DHA fatty acids, vitamin D3 and B12 to save you money, time, and peace of mind. Omega 3’s are in every supplement for proper brain development, a healthy inflammatory response and overall health and growth.
Their fish oil comes from sustainable stocks of small fish (smaller the guppy, less real estate to accumulate heavy metals and toxins) and meets the high standards of the MEG-3 grade. Wait- what’s MEG-3 Jill? I could hear it through the computer. MEG-3 is the most trusted source of Omega-3 EPA and DHA from fish oil – without the fishy taste or smell.
Alright let’s get real, sometimes you want a little sweet treat throughout the day, a pick me up if you will, why not have your vitamin kill two birds with one delicious gummy?!
Let’s talk kiddos for a second. Mamas do their best to feed children nutritious complete meals, but hey we got pizza parties, cupcake rewards and just kids being kids. It’s more difficult to persuade a child to swallow a multi as opposed to, “Here honey, eat this yummy, good for you gummy.”
I always love a company that has a give back program. They match one for one with Vitamin Angels. So now you can feel even better taking care of yourself knowing your purchase also takes care of someone else! SmartyPants has made over 3.9 million nutrient grants to mother’s and children in need.
I think you can understand why they are termed, “The Good Gummy.” For so many reasons in addition to tasting and performing amazingly, SmartyPants is definitely a go to gummy in my health world.