If there’s one food group that could be deemed the fountain of youth…and also fountain of less disease, inflammation, acne, wrinkles, and flat out boost your mojo- it would be vegetables and leafy greens! Consuming more plants (sure even the newly legal ones) have endless benefits not just for us, but the environment and our precious animals living on it.
Whether you’re a die hard veg head or just want the tips to make them effortlessly part of your life. I’ve got you my friend!
1. Easiest- keep raw cut up veggies prepped and ready to grab out of the fridge in to go bags. Swap up the vegetables with what’s in season and something new each week to expand your palate. From the tried and true carrots, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes to red bell pepper, jicama, radish, zucchini, sugar snap peas and snow peas! I like to eat my veggies when I’m working at the computer and want to mindlessly munch or in the car. Gives me something to do that’s incredibly healthy. Plus, if my hand is busy grabbing veggies, I’m less likely to give into road rage and flip someone off! 😉
2. Send all your veggie buddy’s to the sauna together. Ok I just mean turn em’ into chips. Turn the oven aka sauna on to 350 degrees. Toss kale with a little olive oil and salt n pepper and bake for 20 minutes. Finely slice sweet potato, zucchini, carrots, beets…season with whatever spices you like and bake until crispy.

3. Alright now we are sending your favorite veggies to the guillotine! Well we aren’t chopping off their heads but rather spiraling their bodies! Instead of noodles make zoodles. The most popular ones you ask? Zucchini, carrots, beets and apples. Get adventurous and try anything you like! Heat over the stove in a saute pan and either add marina, pesto or my fave tons of garlic and olive oil.

4. Move over rice you’ve got a lighter doppelganger! Riced cauliflower is the new IT GIRL! Saute with your fave seasonings, maybe a little chopped onion and garlic and boom- delicious side that sneaks in a vegetable. Also try riced broccoli! Serve under curry’s, stir-fry…however you damn please!
5. This last one is worth mentioned over and over again! Green up that smoothie! I like to freeze my greens, or buy them frozen so there is never an excuse. Every day I change it up so my blender can date the whole leafy green section of the grocery store! Spinach, kale, collard greens, swiss chard and for a bonus…a scoop of a kick ass greens blend.

There ya go! Simple enough right? Let me know which tip speaks to you and your inner green giant!
Which will you incorporate first? I’d love to hear. Tweet me or chat with me on facebook here: Jill Anenberg Lawrence
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