You've heard the phrase, "If everywhere you go someone is a jerk...YOU are the jerk." I definitely can be that sometimes so here's my Top 5 favorite ways to stay happy and nice. 1. Hang with happy, positive people who want the ... keep reading!
Are you a Sicko!
Ok yes I've got a sick sense of humor, but I hate being just sick. And my rescue dog Simon always has sympathy pains for Mama when she is :) Have you been boxing your cold with meds, fluids and every homeopathic option under the sun and that damn ... keep reading!
B.S. Small Talk
"How's it goin'?" - "Good. You?" - "Yeah good too." Small talk is such bullsh!t. We aren't really asking each other truly how we're doing. Plus on the other hand, no one answers honestly anyways. And if you do, the other person gets uncomfortable ... keep reading!
Sun Your Bum!
Sun your bum, it's good for your health! So many of us are stuck indoors staring at computers, in cubicles and just don't get enough natural Vitamin D from the sun. Take a breather from your annoying cube mate or Facebook feed, c'mon we all know ... keep reading!
Get OFF my Ass!
It seems wherever you go and no matter what you are doing, people don't know personal space. If you're in line and can smell what the person ahead of you had for lunch, you're too close! If you get a whiff of their shampoo, cologne or even BO ... keep reading!