Face down, ass up that’s the way I like to workout! Haha! If I told you there was a workout where you could stare at a toned tushy and lose weight would you sign up?! Hell yeah you would. So get your butt into a yoga class and get ready for a down ... keep reading!
Life’s a Joke- Don’t be so serious ;)
Looking around my house today, I noticed I have lots of fun silly things. When I got married however, some of the more inappropriate "silly" things saw their way to a garage sale. Yeah, we attracted some perverts to that table. A few bargain ... keep reading!
Don’t be the Whale on Vacation!
Believe me, when I'm on vacation I definitely want to enjoy everything...especially the local cuisine. My Grandfather used to say, "If you go on a trip and don't gain weight, you didn't have a good time." I love that! But I also think vacation's ... keep reading!
You’re putting THAT in your mouth?
What's wet most of the time and something you put in your mouth twice a day...uh your toothbrush. Why what was on your mind? Many people don't think about cleaning the item that they use for cleaning. Our toothbrushes can be a feeding ground for ... keep reading!
Get tea bagged!
Heat your water boiling hot and show that tea bag who's Boss! Get on in there for your health and dunk away! It doesn't matter what gender you are, everyone has the ability to tea bag their favorite mug with their favorite flavor tea! Think of this ... keep reading!